Melanie Anne Salisbury is a registered Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist
(BA (hons) PgDipNT mBANT rCNHC) with a special interest in the relationship between nutrition, lifestyle, physical therapy and mental health. She is a member of BANT (British Association for Nutrition & Lifestyle Medicine) and the CNHC (Complementary Natural Healthcare Council).
Before she could walk or talk, Melanie was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease. This had a huge impact on her childhood at a time when this condition was barely known to the public and still not well understood in the medical world. This inspired Melanie, at a young age, to begin creating food she could enjoy; baking for friends so as not to miss out, learning about the nutritional content of different foods and the endless benefits of a healthy gut!
She believes passionately in the positive and life changing effects that nutritional intervention, education and support can have on a person’s health and well-being.

Melanie’s experience in sustainable and organic agricultural farming, as well as her work in specialised cooking and recipe development, serves as an excellent foundation in the world of nutritional education. She has also worked as a photographic artist for over 10 years, observing and documenting the natural world, diverse cultures and individual lifestyles through various traditional techniques.
Melanie undertook almost 4 years of intensive study in nutritional science and clinical practice before graduating with a distinction and setting up her practice. Alongside this she became a certified Ayurvedic massage therapist.
Melanie then further trained with the FHT accredited Chrysalis Effect team to deepen her knowledge and gain additional coaching tools to support clients living with CFS, ME and Fibromyalgia.
She currently sees clients presenting anxiety, digestive difficulties, emotional and hormonal imbalance, extreme fatigue, and autoimmune disease. Her advice works alongside allopathic medicine, involving medical practitioners and other appropriate therapists, when necessary.
Melanie lives and works in Hackney, London and has been very involved in various creative, food, and lifestyle projects within the local community.

"Melanie has been incredible in helping me understand my autoimmune conditions. Through her guidance I have been able to get on top of the inflammation that has, at times in the past, been debilitating. She has been very thorough and dedicated in her investigations.
After getting the tests that she advised, and following her dietary protocols, I managed to hugely improve my digestive system and inflammation. I am now almost free of the painful inflammation that had troubled me for so long"
JS - Somerset